An elderly person named Prasad around 80 years old runs a small food kiosk “Baba Ka Dhaba” in Malviya Nagar, New Delhi with his wife Kanta. After a video posted by a YouTuber “Swaad Official,” the video became viral on all the platforms of social media. In that video the owner of Baba Ka Dhaba was explaining that how he comes with freshly prepared food for selling but hardly any customers come and eat at his Baba Ka Dhaba, during all this interview Mr Prasad also cried in pain. As the video and the picture went viral by the famous #BabaKaDhaba and also a famous #ThePlacardGuy reached there and the next morning Baba Ka Dhaba saw a huge crowd in front of dhaba who was waiting to buy the food from them. Viral video and social media have proved that they can change anybody’s life within no time. Baba Ka Dhaba owner happily smiled and thanked the Swaad Official for his kind move. By seeing this one can keep an intention of kindness and try to help someone like Baba Ka Dhaba owner and please pledge to change their life’s too. If one wants to reach them and help them then you can just go sometimes at Baba Ka Dhaba with your bunch of friends or lovely family members and have their wonderful homemade freshly prepared meal.

Location of Baba Ka Dhaba: Block-B, Shivalik Colony, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017.